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Category: evolution

Are We Already Cyborgs?: Taking Control of Our Evolution

Are We Already Cyborgs?: Taking Control of Our Evolution

It sounds like something out of science fiction, but I think I’ve got a case for saying that we humans have gone beyond simply using our technology and now becoming — dare I say it? — cyborgs. I’ve been thinking a lot about technology and people. We know that humans aren’t the only species in the world that use tools.  We know chimps and crows have used tools sequentially, thus making the usage of tools as what defines us as human suspect.  So, some researchers are suggesting that what makes us human is offloading tasks onto machines.  It’s an interesting concept, to be certain.  I would take it one step further: we are human because we can change our own evolutionary path.  Let me explain…[Read More and all the other premium posts for just $1 at my Patreon feed!]

Inbred Monkeys, Kindreds, and Lone Wolves. Are Kindreds Antiquated?

Inbred Monkeys, Kindreds, and Lone Wolves. Are Kindreds Antiquated?

“Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not

accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual. Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. ”– Aristotle

One of the many solitary heathens who follows this blog asked me to say something about solitary heathens, and I thought it’d be a good idea.  Whether you belong to a kindred, or whether you are solitary, chances are you’ve had thoughts about whether you can be a heathen with a kindred or not. Seeing as I do not claim a kindred, by Aristotle’s view I am a god or a beast.   I know what my detractors would claim I am.  But seriously, I have my thoughts about kindreds and about solitary heathens, so you can take this as a mixture of science, history, and opinion.

What Science has to Say

TL;DR: Scientists believe groups are a natural order because it helps defend against predators.

If we look at other primates, we can note that they too require some sort of social group.  This isn’t exclusive to primates, per se, it appears to be a natural order among many different species all the way down to insects such as bees and ants. In the higher order lifeforms, we note that most animals are in social orders for protection, mating, and territory.

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Science has determined that the primates’ social order didn’t begin as a couple and increase. Rather, it’s likely that there were many related females and several unrelated males in the social order. (Of course, there are variations to this.)  This social structure occurs not only for diversifying the genetics and avoiding inbreeding, but also for protection.  Solitary hunters are generally nocturnal, and nocturnal animals are often solitary.  They use the night to hunt and to conceal them from larger and more dangerous predators. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, that’s basically how it works.  Animals that are mostly diurnal tend to run in groups because solitary animals can be seen and picked off easier by predators in the daytime. Numbers provide a certain amount of safety.

When our ancestors went from nocturnal to diurnal, we stuck with groups for safety. This required a high degree of sociability, because we probably would’ve killed ourselves of with antisocial behavior.  

Our Brains are Naturally Programmed for Groups

 TL; DR: The biochemicals in our bodies makes us want to be social.

One interesting paper I read was the affect of certain neurotransmitters in our bodies to our behavior to become more social or antisocial. People who had increased serotonin levels tended to behave more social.  Heightened levels of oxytocin cause people to form bonds between mates, and between parents and offspring.  This also causes a heightened need to protect families.

We as humans have evolved to be social animals, which is why when people have lower doses of serotonin, we can assume that they may have problems such as depression and other conditions that may cause us to become more isolated.

Nature as the Basis for Kindreds

TL; DR: If we look at the history of humans, it’s obvious that in earlier times people arranged themselves in kindreds similar to other primates for protection.

When we look at kindreds, we can kind of see how the older kindreds were arranged, potentially in the fashion I mentioned above with related females and unrelated males. This is a natural construct to protect diurnal primates which humans have inherited. A “lone wolf” human was unlikely to survive without some sort of group. The world was a pretty scary place back then, and people had to band together in order to survive.  As hunter/gatherers, and later, as farmers, we needed a group structure to live in.  This structure offered us protection from the natural predators, and from other groups of humans.

At this point, I can see the recon heathens applauding my statements.  Ah hah!  They think I’ve agreed with them.  Lone wolves have no place in heathenry, or so they think.  Guess what?  They do have a place in heathenry.  Let me continue.

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Times Change; People Change

TL;DR: The rule of law has reduced the need for protection a kindred affords.

At this point, it’s easy to see why there was an inner-gard/utan-gard.  The people within the inner-gard were those family and allies that needed to be cared for or defended. The utan-gard were those who did not belong.  Even so, heathenry insists on courtesy to strangers because the world was a difficult place.  The ethics of reciprocity is very much part of the heathen belief.

As the rule of law (thanks, Tyr!) took over, the need for kindreds dwindled. Unless you live in a country under complete chaos, the need for having warriors ready to defend the homestead is happily rare. The 20th Century saw the rise of the nuclear family — where a family consisted of parents and children. Sure, there were grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc., but seldom did they live in the same town, let alone the same home as you did.

Nowadays, the family has morphed to whatever the person needs. There are single parent households, there are households with same-sex parents, there are couples without kids, there are children being raised by grandparents, there are temporary marriages, etc. Whether or not you think this is right, that is irrelevant because it is how our society has changed. There are certainly extended families and kindred-like arrangements, but I’d argue that as long as the rule of law continues, there is less need for people to have kindreds for safety sake.

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Inbred Monkeys and Lone Wolves

TL;DR: Your kindred are the people whom you associate with and have relationships with, whether or not they believe in our gods. Joining a heathen kindred may be helpful but not mandatory.

We know from science that human beings have nearly gone extinct twice, thus making us a little more than inbred monkeys. I suspect (and this is my conjecture) that it makes us hang onto certain traits a little longer than we really need to. The need to be social may be one of those traits that has been ingrained for a long time, although whether we need it or not can be debated.  I would argue that there are some things you still need from society, even if you manage to become mostly self sufficient. No man is an island, as a teacher of mine once quoted John Donne.

When we look at following the gods and goddesses of our ancestors, do we really need to be in a group to do so?  I would argue no, although you may get more out of being with others. There is a certain amount of comfort belonging to a kindred.  I would also argue that you have a kindred already.  You family and friends are your kindred, even if they are not followers of your path.  These are the people you go to when you need help; these are the people whom you help.

What’s more, we have bigger distances than even the Vikings traveled when it comes to finding folks who believe in our religion.  And even if we find people who are heathens, there’s no guarantee we’re going to get along.  We know that our ancestors didn’t just get along because they believed in the same gods.

The other side of the coin is that technology has made it so that we can have virtual kindreds.  I mean, let’s face it, we can meet via chat rooms and even attend conferences real time. So, even if you are a “lone wolf” heathen practitioner, you can still get some of the benefits being in a group.

To Recap

Our social behavior came about as an evolutionary adaptation to protect ourselves from predators. We have found it useful behavior as we cannot do everything we need to survive in most situations.  (Self sufficient people still rely on tools purchased or obtained from others.)  Nowadays, kindreds are less needed for protection, and are by their nature, a social construct. Your kindred are the people whom you associate with and have relationships with, whether or not they believe in our gods. Joining an Asatru or Heathen kindred is useful in many respects, but not mandatory, especially with the advent of the Internet.

So, solitary practitioners, despair not.  Adaptation is one of the great things about us and our ancestors.  You don’t need to belong to a heathen kindred to follow our gods. They are helpful, but not necessary to be a heathen.

We Evolved and We Came from Africa Originally. Get Over It

We Evolved and We Came from Africa Originally. Get Over It

Yes, it is time for the Rational Heathen to pitch a fit at those who 1. Deny evolution and 2. Don’t think humans migrated from Africa.

Theory Isn’t Only a Theory

First, let get things straight: science isn’t a belief system. It is a way of logically analyzing the world and proving, using the scientific method a statement as fact or theory.  The word “theory” in science used to describe an explanation of why and how things happen. For gravity, we use Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity to explain why things fall. “Theory” is not synonymous with “unproven.”  “Theory” means that the statement is consistent with everything we know, including facts. However, if a new fact were to arrive that changes our understanding of the world, it may change the Theory. For example, depending on how you use gravity varies the terminology. If you’re using it in mathematics, it’s a Law. But if you’re talking about gravity and how it interacts with things, it’s a Theory.

Science Isn’t the Sith

I’ve never figured out how people could be so brainless when it comes to the term “theory.” It’s almost as if they start arguing semantics just to justify their ignorance. If scientists came up with another term other than “theory,” we might actually have the chance at getting people to understand that proven theories are just that: proven. Until something else comes along to prove otherwise, this is really the best information we have.

Writing in books by iron age cultures doesn’t constitute facts. Until things can be proven and can be repeated using the scientific method, it’s belief, and not fact. Yep, that includes religions, including Christianity and Asatru.  Even though we may hold our beliefs as truth, the reality is our beliefs are simply beliefs. Our beliefs hand us absolutes which comfort us in some way. Humans hate not have a definitive answer for things. That’s why religion has such power.

Science, OTOH,  isn’t the Sith.  It doesn’t deal in absolutes. Scientists are aware that facts change and our understanding of the world changes with new discoveries and new information. Maybe if we call it Sith and not Theory, we might get some headway.  The Sith of Gravity.  The Sith of Evolution.  Hey, that’s kind of catchy.  I think I’ll use that.

Out of Africa

Fossils have clearly shown that humans evolved from common ancestors with other primates. Genetics and other studies have pretty much confirmed the Out of Africa Theory.  Yes, there are constant twiddling when it comes to how exactly humans spread around the globe, but our origins are still from Africa.  Lots of different people migrated at different times. Otzi the Iceman was found to have Lyme disease — a disease that originated in North Africa and not the central part.  Other DNA from remains put Denisovans and Homo Sapiens in Asia for a while.

This doesn’t mean people originated there.  It just means people traveled there. We always think that modern day humans are the only ones who can travel vast distances, but our ancestors prove time and time again that they could and have traveled vast distances with little more than their feet or a wooden canoe.

Why are People so Quick to Debate the Out of Africa Theory?

I suspect there are two reasons for why people argue there’s no way people could have evolved in Africa. The first reason has to do with the bible-thumping, evolution deniers. You know who you are. These folks believe that their god created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. They believe in a real Adam and a real Eve, although how on earth their kids would’ve found mates is annoying obvious. (Does anyone hear banjos?)

If you’re Heathen and you believe strictly in the Norse creation myths, you’re being an idiot.  There.  I’ve said it.  We have our own version of Adam and Eve called Ask and Embla, and we have the same damn problem with banjos and Luke and Leia kisses.

The Norse creation myths are simply metaphors and an explanation for people who just didn’t have all the information handy. What’s more, even if they were confronted with the facts, they had no reference on how fossils, evolution, and other bits of science worked together to come up with a rational explanation. Hel, many educated people (and not so educated) understand how evolution works.

The second reason for why people argue that there’s no way people could have evolved in Africa is a bit more sinister. You’re racist, pure and simple. I’m not throwing the “R” word around lightly, either. You don’t like the idea that your origins are where black people reside.  Don’t believe me? Then ask yourself if you’d have problems that humans evolved in Northern Europe, even though there isn’t a shred of evidence to prove it.  Haters are going to hate.

Now, if you could come up with scientific proof that humans did evolve in Northern Europe, along with fossils, etc, I’d listen. I’m talking actual science–peer reviewed science. Not the crazy, space-alien, Illuminati crap that I can see on the pages of the Enquirer.

So, there you have it.  My take on evolution and the “Out of Africa” theory.  Get over it.